Do You Qualify for LADWP Rebate for Removal of Live Turf?

In an effort to encourage Los Angeles residents to conserve water, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is a participating member of the California Friendly Landscape Incentive Program.

Through this program, eligible property owners may receive $2 for every square foot of residential turf replaced with water efficient landscaping, up to $4,000.

How To Qualify For The LADWP Rebate

You may qualify if you:

  • Own a single-family home, townhome, duplex, or fourplex in California.
  • Currently have live turf on your property.
  • Receive your water service from a participating Metropolitan Water District of California member agency or retail agency.
  • Water your live turf with potable water (not recycled water).
  • Water your live turf by hand or with with a low volume drive and/or bubbler system (Overhead irrigation is not eligible, including pop-up sprinklers).
  • Have at least 250 square feet of turf to be removed (If you have less, you may still qualify if the project removes all turf from your property).
  • Have yet to begin (or complete) the landscaping project for which you are seeking the rebate.
  • Are willing to replace the live turf with live plants that cover at least 40 percent of the converted area upon maturity. (Note, the 40 percent rule does not apply to areas on which you install* synthetic turf, which is a qualifying installation* in the City of Los Angeles.)
  • Plan to maintain compliance with the program for at least 5 years.

How To Apply For The LADWP Rebate

1) Submit the following to the Metropolitan Water District of California (retaining copies of each for your own records):

  • Original completed, signed Application Part 1 (Rebate Reservation), which can be downloaded at
  • Copy of your recent water bill
  • 4‐5 current color photos of each area where you plan to remove live turf (labeled with name, address, location, and date picture was taken)

2) Be prepared for the request of a “pre-conversion” site visit before you can be approved.

3) Wait to start your project until you have received confirmation of your application’s approval, including a rebate reservation number and anticipated rebate amount.

4) Start and complete your landscaping project within 120 days. This should include the removal of your live turf, as well as the installation* of approved, drought-friendly landscaping.

5) Submit the following to the Metropolitan Water District of California (retaining copies of each for your records):

Original completed signed Application Part 2 (Rebate Request), which can be downloaded at

4 – 5 current color photos of each area where turf was removed and replaced (labeled with name, address, location, and date picture was taken)

6) Be prepared for the request of an on-site “post-conversion” visit before you can receive your rebate.

If you would like information about installing* drought-resistant artificial turf on your residential property, contact Turf Now!® at 818-408-4639 or fill out our online contact form and a representative will be in touch soon.