Keep Your Artificial Lawn Clean in Los Angeles

One of the greatest benefits of installing* artificial grass in Los Angeles is that it requires far less maintenance and upkeep than natural lawns.  When you invest in a synthetic lawn, worrying about , fertilizer and mowing will become a thing of the past.

However, that does not mean you’re free and clear of all lawn maintenance. You obviously care very much about how your lawn looks; otherwise, you would not have installed* the best artificial turf that Turf Now!® as to offer. To get the most out of your investment and keep your yard looking as good as new, you’ll need to perform consistent maintenance and cleaning.

Cleaning Your Artificial Lawn

There are various factors that will affect how often you have to clean your lawn. For example, if you have children, pets or landscaping with a lot of foliage, the lawn will have to have regular cleanings. Dust and other geographic weather conditions also play into your cleaning routine.

Weekly Washing

Homeowners should expect to hose off their lawn at least once a week. This process will remove dust and other debris that have accumulated throughout the week.

Monthly Maintenance

Once a month, the artificial lawn will have to be deep-cleaned to keep it fresh and smelling good. It is recommended that you use a brush or broom with stiff bristles to remove hard-to-reach dust, leaves and dirt.

Caution: If you are going use a brush, make sure to choose one without steel bristles. This type of brush can cause harm to the fibers in the artificial grass.

Performing regular, safe cleanings can help the fake grass maintain its upright position.

Pro Tip: Notice a section of grass that isn’t standing upright? Take a broom and brush against the grain to encourage the fibers back to their original position.

Removing Pet Waste

Pet waste cleanup is easy and simple with Turf Now!® artificial grass. First, remove the pet feces from the grass. This can be accomplished with whatever method you are most comfortable with, i.e. bag or pooper scooper. Once this step has been accomplished, rinse down the location where the pet waste used to be.

For pet urine, find the area that your pet seems to favor when relieving themselves. It’s suggested that you clean this area regularly with turf deodorizer to reduce the chances of lingering odor.

Removing Stains, Gum and Spills from your Artificial Lawn

An often-used artificial lawn is sure to see its fair share of spills, stains and other accidents. From spilled drinks at an afternoon barbecue to gum dropped on the ground as kids run around, you will need to take special steps to prevent accidents from staining the lawn.

Most spills can be rinsed away with a quick spray of the hose. If you find that residue is still present after you rinse away the spill, then use a natural, mild soap combined with water. Another option is to use a solution of one part vinegar to one part water to clean the area.

The best way to avoid lasting damage is to respond quickly. If you can remove the problem before it solidifies, then this will help prevent further stickiness and other residue.

Gum and candy can be picked up, however if the gum is stuck, then try using an ice cube to freeze it a bit before removing. Never attempt to remove sticky substances with harsh chemicals or solvents.

Removing Bacteria

Bacteria isn’t usually a problem you will have to face if you maintain a regular cleaning schedule for your lawn. If, by chance, you feel there could be bacteria present, there is a simple solution: mix together half-and-half solution of vinegar and water. If the area you want to clean is small, you can use a spray bottle. On the other hand, if the area is large, you can use a hose attachment.

Taking proper care of your synthetic grass will significantly increase the life of your lawn and keep it fresh and clean for years to come. With Turf Now!®, you will always have a beautiful place to sit back and relax.